热门关键词:干燥设备  闪蒸干燥机  旋转闪蒸干燥机  真空耙式干燥机  振动流化床  喷雾干燥机  桨叶干燥机  盘式干燥机  振动筛  离心泵  分散机
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产品关键词:制医药中间体过滤布 血液注射器用滤网 流化床滤袋 医学过滤滤布
  • 产品名称:医学制药行业的注射器用网布和制药用滤布
  • 产品编号:
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  • 产品规格:空
  • 参考价格:面议
  • 更新时间:2024/3/13 12:36:54
  • 点击次数:3010次


Quality control and consumer safety drive the procedures, approvals and operations of the pharmaceutical and medical industries. Processing waste and by-products from the manufacturing process also presents issues that can be solved with prudent filtration steps and an appropriate filter media product.

In the pharmaceutical industry our products enable customers to increase product yield, streamline GMP manufacturing processes and increase profitability. Markert Inc™ also produces cost effective transfusion / infusion screening materials for the health sector.



Markert Inc™ is a vertically integrated manufacturer with clean-room facilities for fabrication. We control and guarantee the integrity and traceability of our products from the sourcing of quality yarns through to weaving, finishing, fabrication and final distribution.


Associated Ours Products

  • Centrifuge Liners 离心机内衬
  • Drum Pan Disc Covers 转盘圆盘
  • Filter Press Fabrics 压滤机织物
  • Fluidized Bed Dryer Bags 流化床和干燥带
  • Screening Fabrics 筛分织物
  • Test Sieves 测试筛
  • Tower Press Belts 塔式滤带
  • Vessel Bags容器袋 

Typical Areas of Filtration Activities:

  • Drug & Tablet Manufacture 药物&药片制造
  • Recovery of crystalline solids 结晶固体获取
  • Blood transfusion, infusion 血液注射器
  • Diagnostics 诊断器
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